iPhone Camera Workshop
An Introduction to the iPhone Camera with Mark Stall
Saturday, October 14 from 10 AM to 12 PM
Immerse yourself in an iPhone learning experience with an in-depth look at the many features of the iPhone camera and how to properly select the best settings.
Mark Stall has been a photographer for over 50 years and has been creating images with an iPhone for over 12 years.
Did you know the iPhone is one of the world’s most frequently used cameras?
What can I learn in Mark’s workshop?
Learn hands-on techniques designed to strengthen your skills and boost your creative ability using your iPhone.
Learn how to use professional and high-resolution image-making techniques found in your iPhone.
Learn how to set-up and use the best features of each camera
Learn general photographic techniques
And if time permits, Mark will show several camera/photo apps that improve and enhance images.