by newmodsite2019 | May 9, 2023 | Adopt Something
ABOUT THE CABINET The Elliott Museum hopes to inspire visitors with objects of curiosity and wonder, up close and in a personal way. Cabinets of Curiosity first became popular during the Renaissance and reached their pinnacle of popularity in the Victorian Era. Our...
by newmodsite2019 | May 9, 2023 | Adopt Something
ABOUT THIS GAS PUMP In 1865, Charles Gilbert and John Barker formed a company to manufacture a “gas machine” that vaporized petroleum distillates for lighting systems. Gilbert & Barker later manufactured oil burners for industrial furnaces, and in 1910...
by newmodsite2019 | May 9, 2023 | Adopt Something
ABOUT THE SEAT Home to the Chicago White Sox, the first game played in Comiskey Stadium was July 1, 1910. Architect Zachary Taylor Davis designed it, and the stadium was built entirely of steel and concrete. The park originally seated 32,000 with 7,000 of them being...
by newmodsite2019 | May 9, 2023 | Adopt Something
ABOUT THE PUMP In 1885 in Fort Wayne, Indiana, kerosene pump inventor, S.F. Bowser sold his first newly invented kerosene pump to the owner of a grocery shop. This solved the problem and mess of a storekeeper ladling flammable liquid into whatever random container the...
by newmodsite2019 | May 9, 2023 | Adopt Something
ABOUT THIS MUSIC BOX This music box plays a 27” steel disc called a “Tune Sheet.” Holes punched in the disc engage the teeth of a gear, and as the gear spins it plucks the tine of a musical comb. Each tine of the comb is tuned to a precise musical pitch. When in...
by newmodsite2019 | May 9, 2023 | Adopt Something
ABOUT THE GENERAL STORE This incredibly detailed, hand-crafted miniature mid-1800’s General Store is extraordinary. True to the time, the General Store was the site for the Post Office, Bakery, Grocery, household goods such as hardware supplies. The owners and their...